The amount of youtube-videos available refering to Asthanga-Yoga is overwhelming. Here is a selection in the style of a chronological order from the "good old times" of black and white up to the contemporary colored style. With this post we try to give way to an astonishing variety of asthanga yoga practitioners world wide. Everyone surely can find his or her connection to be inspired and deepen the practice day by day throughout life. Please keep in mind that the videos should not invite us to start practicing in front of the screen! We may always be introduced to the practice by an experienced teacher.
Krishnamacharya 1938
Krishnamacharya's Wife
Krishnamacharya's Daughters
BKS Iyengar 1938
Iyengar's show 1976
BKS Iyengar 1977
Jois, Sharath show Prasarita Padottanasana
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois on Asthanga
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois on Diligence
Pattabhi Jois teaching Asthanga
Sharath Practice Demo
Gwyneth Kate Paltrow about why she likes it [Russian subtitle]
Gregor Maehle about teaching
Exellent Interwiew with Petri Raisanen
Maty Ezraty with about 'the point of Asthanga Yoga'
Primary Series Ashtanga
Inermediate Series Asthanga
Elements from 3rd and 4th Asthanga Yoga Series
B.K.S. Iyengar - Yoga Demonstration 1983
B.K.S. Iyengar - improving life through Yoga
A. G. Mohan about Krishnamacharya
Alexander Medin praising Patthabi Jois generosity